It is hard to believe that Massage Exam Academy has been around almost ten years helping massage students and massage therapists study for the MBLEx, NYS, and Hawaii massage exams.
In that time, I have learned exam preparation does not come naturally to many future massage therapists. If you are feeling lost and lack knowing where to begin, or constantly asking yourself if you should start with Anatomy, Kinesiology, or Pathology- you are not alone. You may also feel you do not have time to study because of school, work, or family commitments. I know this uncertainty and pressure leads to feeling overwhelmed and usually procrastination.
This year I put out my MBLEx “Plan to Pass” as part of the Massage Exam Academy membership to help those struggling with the above problems. Each member is able to develop a plan so they know exactly where to begin, or if they truly struggle with a certain subject, and how to study when they are short on study time.
Today, I am going to talk about one particular study, or productivity, technique that works for lots of students and can be used as part of your plan to pass. It is called the Pomodoro Technique.