In our massage therapist groups, it is common for the moderator to post, “Welcome so and so to the board. They are studying for the MBLEx and want to find the best MBLEx practice tests- or the best MBLEx study guide.”
That is likely why you are here too.
I understand that you want to pass the MBLEx, get your massage license, and enjoy your career in massage helping others. You not only want to pass the MBLEx, but likely need to pass this exam. And I want to help you find the best MBLEx practice tests or the best MBLEx study guide for you to pass the exam on your next attempt.
For over ten years I have helped thousands of people pass the MBLEx on this website. This includes people right out massage school, those that failed one to five times, and many others taking the exam three or thirty years after massage school.
Here are some things I want you to know about using studying, MBLEx practice tests, and study guides.
Where do I begin to study?
Maybe you don’t know how or where to begin with your MBLEx study efforts. Should you just use the free apps on your phone, dig out your massage school textbooks, or buy a study guide you found on Amazon?
I believe I have found a formula that will give you the best chance to pass. It is not an app, textbook, or study guide. It is a self-paced program with an online study guide, flashcards, thousands of practice questions, MBLEx practice tests, and colleague advice.
At Massage Exam Academy you will focus on:
1. Determining your weakest subjects and improving those areas
- If we can pinpoint and focus on a weak subject, overall scores improve.
2. Reviewing the online study guides
- The up-to-date online study guide is broken down into the content areas of the MBLEx. This makes it easier to focus on one subject at a time while studying and decreases overwhelming feelings.
3. Taking MBLEx practice exams, questions, and simulations.
- Massage Exam Academy has over 4000 questions, unlimited practice quizzes, mini-tests, and full MBLEx practice tests.
If you can simulate a situation like the MBLEx with our MBLEx practice test, you will respond with more confidence and less fear when the real exam date comes. You will perform better and give yourself the best chance to accomplish your goals and move forward with chasing your career dreams.
It sounds simple. Right? However, the problem is that many people do not study correctly or efficiently.
“None of the questions were on the app!”
Recently, my daughter had her driving permit test. While she was studying, I reminded her that I actually help people pass exams. And if she wanted any advice on studying, I would be happy to help her prepare. She accepted my offer.
She put down her study guide and we got out a computer and searched for driver license exam simulations. We practiced the feeling, the pace, and the content. I made sure she knew the questions would be worded differently, but the content would be similar. We worked through questions, particularly questions that were incorrect until she understood why she missed them.
When her test date arrived, we sat outside the testing room. A 14-year-old walked out disappointed with this mother. He said to her that none of the practice questions on his app were on the exam?
The testing person followed behind them and called my daughter back. She confidently got up and followed them back to the testing area.
Fifteen minutes later, she came out and let me know she had missed one question and was waiting to get her permit photo taken.
Hands-On Studying and Simulating the Exam Experience
I know a driver’s license exam is not a professional licensing exam. However, the same rules apply for the most part.
How and what you study matters- big time. Most people just do not know how to study properly or really what to study.
Complete studying is not simply reading and answering a question in an app on your phone.
Complete studying isn’t reading a study guide or cover to cover.
Complete studying isn’t answering questions at the end of each section in your textbooks.
I want to make sure you practice the feeling, the pace, and the content of your MBLEx exam. And that you know the questions will be worded differently, but the content will be similar. I want to make sure you work through questions, particularly questions that are incorrect until you understand why you missed them. Sound familiar?
I have talked to thousands of people that have both passed and failed the MBLEx. My favorite emails from those that passed are from those that tell me, “I felt like I was just sitting down and taking another MBLEx practice test.” That is my goal here – for you to feel confident walking into your exam and like you are taking another MBLEx practice test.
People that take the MBLEx practice tests know what it feels like to:
- answer 100 questions in 110 minutes
- see the timer ticking down during their practice exam
- take an practice broken down similar to the MBLEx (11 kinesiology questions, 12 anatomy questions, 17 questions on client assessment, and so on)
Ready to take an MBLEx practice test?
If you want to know how to choose which subjects to study first, how to avoid common mistakes, try our MBLEx practice tests, simulations, practice quizzes, online study guide, flashcards, and develop your own plan to pass – it is easy to get started.
Learn more about our MBLEx Practice Tests, study guides, and more here.
I would like to get started studying for my Mblex. How do I begin?
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