New York massage therapy license applicants should soon see the letter in the mail that they have been waiting weeks for, their New York massage therapy exam results. Maybe that day was today. And maybe that applicant was you.
Obviously, there are two possible exam results. However, I suspect many of you did not click on this article because you passed. I am betting you are here because you did not pass the New York State massage exam. I know this is not the news you wanted, whether you had a feeling you did not pass, or if you were shocked by this outcome. You may feel a little alone right now and unsure of what to do next.
Failure is a Bruise, Not a Tattoo
First, if you get one of these letters, I want to tell you this feeling is not permanent. This is not the end of your massage career dreams. It is okay to be disappointed, cry, or take a day to binge-watch “The Office”. Eventually, you will need to dust yourself off and make a new plan for your retake exam. And that is what I am going to help you do today. [Read more…]