Each year, thousands of people nervously pick up their exam score from the front desk at their Pearson Vue testing facility and find out they did not pass the MBLEx.
This result can bring on a lot of different emotions.
You are likely dealing with feelings of personal disappointment, or even jealousy of those classmates who passed their exam.
You also may feel as if you let those who have supported your massage endeavor down.
And the thought of taking and failing the MBLEx again may be consuming you with fear or anxiety.
But life is full of challenges like this; and challenges come our way to be hurdled, defeated, and make us stronger.
First, you need to decide if you want to take the MBLEx again.
And if you do, I want to help you better prepare yourself so you can pass this licensing exam and move forward with your massage career.
If you are willing, I would love to share a few of my tips and suggestions for taking (and passing!) the MBLEx on your next attempt.
Give yourself time and permission to be disappointed
Dealing with this test result may be one of the hardest things you will experience in your professional massage career.
Give yourself a couple of days (not weeks or months!) to be disappointed, upset, jealous, or frustrated.
Then it is time to let it go and move forward.
Own this Result
It’s natural to look for external factors to blame for our own poor performance.
And quite often, some of those excuses we come up with really did affect our performance.
However, taking accountability for this test result is a required step to getting over it.
Otherwise you will continue to find new excuses for not being fully prepared, and you’re really just repeating the cycle of your prior failed attempt.
Decide if and when you are going to take the MBLEx again
“Failure is not always a mistake – it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” – B.F. Skinner
Maybe you are questioning taking the exam again, or if massage is really for you.
After helping many people coming off this disappointing experience, I can say this is a pretty common reaction.
The exam now seems like an insurmountable task.
The MBLEx works as a gatekeeper between you and the massage career you desire, and I hate gatekeepers.
If you want your massage license, it is time to re-commit to passing the MBLEx and getting your license.
Failure is often thought of as the end of the road, when really, it’s only a hurdle on the path toward your goal.
Set a Goal Date
The FSMTB requires that you wait 30 days between exam attempts, but I recommend not waiting too long before you reschedule.
Yes the exam does cost a lot of money. But, the cost of study material and the exam fee is something you can make back in your first few licensed massages.
Sit down and evaluate how much time you honestly and realistically need to prepare now that you have a better idea of what to expect.
Better Prepare Yourself
“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” – Henry Ford
You likely do not want to study in the same way you did before.
Now that you have seen what is on the exam, you are at an advantage to study more efficiently.
Bonus: How to Avoid the #1 MBLEx Study Mistake – Free Lesson and Practice Quiz
Evaluate Your Weaknesses
What went wrong the first time?
Did you study enough? Honestly?
Were you unprepared for the long client assessment-type questions (A client comes in with [insert condition], what is the next best step?) or the anatomy and physiology portion?
Spend additional time studying those on those areas, but do not abandon studying the other areas you will be tested.
Analyze distractions that may have hindered your preparations or performance.
Many massage students also work part-time jobs, have kids and families, plus other stress factors to deal with in addition preparing for after their exam.
Try to find a balance in your life between your other responsibilities and the time you need to prepare.
If English (or Spanish) is not your first language, consider taking an ESL class to help you with your English comprehension during the exam.
Exam Anxiety
Some people experience exam anxiety, or just test poorly.
If this applies to you, it is very easy to be self-defeating and sabotage your preparation.
You may even find yourself a little bit more nervous this time around.
Just remember this is a sign that you want to do your best.
A little anxiety is even useful; just do not let it get out of hand.
With a little research, you can find ways to help you help you relax, relieve stress, and manage anxiety; whether that is aromatherapy, meditation, prayer, exercise, or even maybe a massage.
Fear of the Unknown
This was probably a major source of anxiety for you the first time around.
However, since you have already taken the MBLEx, this fear no longer applies to you.
You Are Legitimately Under-Prepared
It is quite possible you didn’t study enough for your first MBLEx attempt.
The good news is now that you have a better feel for what is on the exam, you have a second chance to adequately prepare yourself.
Study Material
Before you choose a study guide or exam prep service, you need to ask yourself a simple, but important question:
How do I learn best?
There are several different ways to learn, and it is important to understand what is the most effective method for you.
Here at Massage Exam Academy, I have tried to implement the most effective methods of learning and retaining information.
- Review the exam material with comprehensive category Study Guides
- Visual learning with Muscular and Skeletal Body Charts
- Focus on weak areas with category specific Practice Quizzes
- Get comfortable with the pace of “the real thing” with the Exam Simulator
If you’re interested in learning more about a prep service subscription, you can check it out right here.
Put this exam in perspective
I know from personal experience this exam is not easy.
But I also believe with proper preparation, you can pass this test.
The most important thing I want you to remember is this test does not indicate future success in your massage career, how smart you are, or forever label you as a failure.
It is simply an entry-level massage licensing exam.
I know many smart, successful massage therapists who did not pass their licensing the first (or second/third) time.
Peer Support
You aren’t the first person to fail the MBLEx, and I promise you won’t be the last.
Do you have a question about preparing for your next exam attempt? I’ve probably heard it before, and would love to help!
Do you have an experience or success story that you would like to share?
Please use the comments section below to ask your question, share your experience or even just vent about origins and insertions!
I’d like to turn this comment section into a community that will show each new reader:
You’re not alone.
Your fears aren’t new or invalid.
Overcoming this obstacle is totally possible!
I look forward to answering your questions, reading about your experience with the MBLEx, as well as helping you prepare and move forward with your goals!
Image Credit: Thomas Shahan
I took the MBLEx a month after getting out of massage therapy school and failed because my anxiety got to me. I wasn’t able to finish it due to timing running out. I retook it hoping for the best but still failed 🥺 but I was at least able to know what I need to focus on more. I am devastated but will be studying again to retaking it. 🙏🏼
You are not alone! But, focus on those subjects that you struggled with and take as many practice exams as you can to help stimulate the feel and pace of the exam. It really helps calm those anxious feelings.
I just failed my mblex for the 5th time tonight! I can relate to many, I’ve been out of massage school since 2018. However, I’ve been studying like crazy. I just want to pass it 😩. However I was a straight A 4.0 student as well. I’m willing to get whatever help I need 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Hi Darian!
I know it is frustrating! I hope this article showed you that you are not alone and that many people in your situation can go onto pass. Sometimes it takes some changes in your study habits and situation. Look around the website and there are lots of tips. Our program often helps people find out where they are not studying enough and focus on those subjects so they can finally pass.
I got certified back in 2014 then failed the test. Turns out I had food poisoning ( I know no excuses) weeks later turns out I was pregnant. Still remembering I needed to retake I had this whole other stress. Became a stay at home mom, never retook test, all of my certifications are expired, but I still want to start my career. Any recommendations on my next step other than going back to school a second time? I’m trying to weigh the costs of going back and just paying for the classes for certification but I also forgot like everything.
If I had a nickel for every time someone found out they were pregnant about the time they had their exam, I would have more money than you would think!
I see no reason you would need to go back to school. This program may be enough to help you pass your exam with some time. You may think you forgot everything, but it just needs to be brought back out of brain storage ;). Here is the website for more info: https://www.massageexamacademy.com/. I am sure you will see there are many others that have been in your situation. Also, this post may be helpful. https://www.massageexamacademy.com/mblex-years-after-school/
Which state are you pursuing a license?
What does it mean when you get alot of questions on just one topic of the Mblex?
It is supposed it is be balanced. Does it mean you are doing poorly or well if it keeps on a single topic. Like if you get a lot on Pathology and only a few about muscles.
Not sure! I never have heard someone report this issue before. Maybe a glitch or closely replated topics.
I just took the MBLEx for the second time and did not pass. I did better than the first time around but not enough. There is a part of me that feels as though it is set you for you to fail. $195 every time you take the exam. I was shocked when I saw some of the questions. I was asked pathology questions regarding diseases that I have never heard of. I should have gone to medical school. I think that the exam to should be 50% multiple choice and 50% physical. Or have 2 mock patients come and and get graded on the assessment, plan and physical massage. I know that many are out there…we are amazing but there are many of us that feel like they’re trying to squeeze blood from a stone. I wish to all those that are struggling to pass…that we rock this test next time around. Good Luck!
I know many people would like a practical/hands-on exam. I, however, did not like those in school. Talk about anxiety for me. The instructor would ask questions as you are focused on the massage. Ahh! I’ll take a multiple-choice test any day.
But anyway, I know it is difficult to fail this exam when you are ready to get started on your massage career. However, I have seen many people fail and go onto pass after using our program. Some people just are not studying the correct material, or are not focusing on raising their weaker subjects.
Nicole, I hear you! I agree 100%. I took mine for the first time 2mos ago and the first words that came out of my mouth was that the exam was set up to fail in order to continue collecting the $195 from us. I have been completely discouraged, I don’t think the exam was fair or realistic. I am just now entertaining the idea of taking it again but only after I try this study program. Did you take it again? How did you make out? Curious to know! I hope you passed!!! Ugh. Good luck to us all.
I graduated massage school in 2013, the same year I was pregnant with my son. I failed the mblex and it is now 2018 and I really want to try again.. I just don’t know where to start, I’ve already ordered a study guide workbook from amazon to get started. I do not remember what was on the mblex either, I don’t know what to study or how to. Help me please! I hate having a degree that I cannot utilize with debt I’ve acquired from a career I haven’t even stepped foot into.
Hi Kris, This situation is really, really common. I promise! Here is a post on taking the MBLEx years after graduating (https://www.massageexamacademy.com/mblex-years-after-school/).
guide to help you determine what you need to study first (Hint: your weakest subject). Then you read the study guide in that area and start taking practice quizzes in that subject until you see your score improve. Here is the sign up – https://www.massageexamacademy.com/
You can do this. I see people pass years later after failing all the time. Best wishes!
I took the Mblex and didn’t pass. I was borderline in a lot of the areas. I have been studying and feel confident in those areas.
I was wondering what your suggestions would be for learning and studying Pathology and APP?
What resources have you been using to study? Start with A and P before you go to pathology.
There is no longer a passing score given. You can read more about that here – https://www.massageexamacademy.com/mblex-passing-score/
Hello im 31 yrs old have been very successful in the massage industry staying with the same resort 12yrs and moving my way up on the books to be in a comfortable Spot… bought a house have 2 kids everything was good till i find out that i need to get a certificate from camtc to continue to work but camtc doesn’t approve a few of my classes .. so i have to go back to school and take the mblex to continue with my career ive been doing for 12 yrs and i dont know how im going to pay my bills through this … sorry i needed to vent about this cause im really upset about this
Received A’s in all my classes but when I took the exam I failed 4 times! I decided to take a break and just distress my failures. My husband was on call for his 3rd deployment and well just never to took the test. Time went by and my family was my first priority. Now, I want to take the test but what is my next step? Do I have to go back to school?
You are certainly not the first person with all A’s to struggle with their MBLEx! Many excellent students are not excellent test takers. Here is a different post with some guidance since it has been a while and can answer some other questions you may have- https://www.massageexamacademy.com/mblex-years-after-school/. Rarely, very rarely, do people need to go back to school.
Same just happened to me. A’s in my classes and practicals, considered the top of my class for actual massages, and I failed the test. I’d say between 10-15 questions were absurd or I had absolutely no idea, hadn’t heard of the terms before. Frustrating because I have MT friends and the questions have almost no relevancy in actual massage therapy except ethics and BASIC anatomy, unless you work in a highly clinical setting, in which case repetition and experience in that field would educate you faster than studying.
Frustrating. Guess I have to restudy and hope I get more “normal” questions?
The test was weird for me. Halfway through I was sure I failed; but even then, I refused to give up hope. I ended up passing on my first try. For those that felt the same way I did, don’t give up and keep going. You know more than you think!
I have an opinion about why you felt that way. I just posted this article about CAT and the MBLEx.
Read this:
I failed the mblex for the fourth time today. I just want to give up
Hi Michelle,
I just had someone in my program that had just joined after failing 4 times. They passed on their 5th attempt. So you are not alone! The first thing you need to do is identify why you think you are failing – be honest with yourself. Find your weak spots and focus on those first. Let me know if you have any questions.
I just took mine for the second time yesterday and failed again. They raised the price to $265. here in Michigan. I am going to try until I pass but man do I want to give up. The “system” set-up for massage is ridiculous. I feel like all states should require the same amount of hours to graduate and that it should be set up so that the schooling is focused more on the students preparation for the mblex. My instructors said they had no idea about what was on the mblex, he never even did a demonstration for us….smh.
I am sorry to hear about your exam, Annie! And, yes, I hear too often from students that were not adequately prepared for the MBLEx. It should most definitely be a focus of the training. If people pay thousands of dollars to learn how to give a really safe and therapeutic massage, it means nothing if they are not given the proper preparation for their licensing exam. Your comment is going to help others ask this question when choosing schools. I truly wish you the best on your next attempt! I hope you are taking advantage of some of the resources on this website.
Hi there!
You mentioned in your post that you have taken the mblex four times and other posts have said 5?? in the state of Washington you’re only allowed three tries. what state are you in?
I cannot answer the question about Michelle’s attempts, but I want to let you are correct that Washington does have a limit on MBLEX attempts before a person needs to go back to school. They are the only state that I am aware of that has that Rule. I am writing an article on MBLEx attempt limits right now.
Hi there. So I’ve failed the mblex 4 times after I graduated in March 2017. I put massage off to the side and started focusing on other things but I’m now really regretting that choice. My question is, will I need to go back to school to quailfy to take the test again?
This is a very common question! You do not need to go back to school to test again, however, your state board may have rules limiting the times you can take it before they require you to go back to school. This is rare and only a few states require this. The old NCETMB exam used to require people go back to school if they failed it x number of times, but the MBLEx never required this. They do require 30 days between exam attempts.
I took my mblex on October and fail, i was devastated i was crying all day, i retaking it next month any advice
I hope this post showed you that you are not alone and gave you some steps you can take for your next attempt.
So i’ve failed the MBLEX twice now, ill be taking it again after chirstmas. I get so close to passing it isnt even funny first time i was 66 points away from passing and the 2nd time it didnt even me a score but after seeing what I did well in I knew I was close. I know im a slow learned and have a hard time trying to retain information. Some things stick and others don’t. I’m more of a hands on person. Any idea how to keep retaining information. Since I can’t get auto for this test, and I don’t see anyone having an auto book or anything like that.
Is there a particular subject you are struggling with?
I’m taking the MBLEX next week (12/23). I am so nervous!!! What part of the exam would you say was the hardest?
I have failed the Mblex 5x and I was trying to reschedule. I finish school in 2015. Is it too late to retake it again? I’ve tried selecting an exam and it says “you do not have any pre-approved exams at this time.” I’m signed in. So, now what?
It is not too late. They do have some different application requirements now. So you may just need to reapply. I would contact the FSMTB and see what they say.
Great Article. analysis ! I loved the insight , Does someone know if my company could possibly get ahold of a blank TN FSMTB MBLex Retake App Form document to fill out ?
The MBLEx is not state specific. You would need to contact the FSMTB to pay and schedule your next attempt. Best wishes!
I’ve been out of the massage world for almost three years and I’m mostly nervous that it’s been too long.I have taken the Mblex twice this year and have failed both times. I’m looking to take my exam again in August. The last time I took my exam I admit that I didn’t spend as much time as I should’ve on studying. I don’t even know how to begin studying. I would really like to pass this time. I took a couple of your practice test online and I was getting a couple of them right so I was starting to feel confident but that quickly left on test day. If there is anything that you can recommend to help me study that would be great!
Hi Alexis,
I have seen people out of school much longer pass the MBLEx. I promise a lot of the information comes back to you once you sit down and study in a way that works best for you. It is common to try to study it all at once. You need to be able to break down the subjects so you know where you struggle and can focus your efforts there first. That is why I break down the study guide and quizzes by subject. Then people can work on the MBLEx simulations. You can see the full program here – https://www.massageexamacademy.com/. I saw you only took the 10 point email quiz. The exam database with the program has about 3000 more questions for you to study.
I took my MBLEX test last year and failed. I was the top student in the class, everybody was positive I was going to pass I was expected to pass! I was so disappointed when I found out, I literally cried that whole afternoon. It was something new to me I never failed something that big before & then when the rest of my classmates found out just made me feel worse. Because of me they thought that there was no way they could pass it & that just broke my heart. It’s been a year since I’ve taken it and have been terrified to take it & fail again but after reading this page it’s lifted my spirits up and made me feel better about having to take it again. Thank you!!
Hi Karina,
I have heard from many top students that not passed the exam on their first attempt. Some people really struggle with exams. But, I am happy to hear that you are ready to try again. Obviously, massage is something where you excelled. How many great success stories start out with instant success? Not many.
Hi there!
So I am currently prepping to take the MBLEX for the first time, but I am terrified. I am spending SO MUCH time studying for AP and Kinesiology, because they were my weaker points in school, but I know I have got to start paying some mind to ETM etc. I am just so nervous I get sick at the thought of when it comes because I just have this feeling I am going to fail it the first time through. I was a fantastic student, and I am so confident in my work, but I just don’t even know where to start with the rest of my studying. I am working myself up so much lately I’m ready to just take it, get it over with and start prepping myself up to take it again, just to get the initial anxiety over with. I’ve bought the study guide and used it, read through all my school notes, have taken online tests etc, retyped study guides, and downloaded the phone app but it still just doesn’t feel like I am well prepared.
Hi Cat!
It is normal to be nervous, especially when you do not know where to start.
A couple questions. What is ETM? And which study guide(s) are you using? If you know your lowest scored subjects (using topic quizzes), you can start to study those first. That is where I have all the students on this website start. Practice exams also are very helpful for determining if you are really ready.
i rook the exam right before graduating from school n got 625 so obviously i failed its been bout 4 yrs and iv decided 2 retake the tast however i have lost all my books n study guides from school. will this site even help me study? im worried n very scared
625 is very close to passing. The exam has changed a little in the past couple years, but with the right amount of effort and planning, I have seen many people use the site to get over the 630 mark.
I failed the exam twice know… first time I study fairly well for about a month took the exam and got a 590… knowing that I didn’t study well enough… the second time I waited 3 months because of the holidays, as well as I graduated massage school. I knew I needed to do better at studying so I studyed HARD for one month 6-7 days a week for 4-8 hours a day went in to the exam feeling very prepared and confident that I was going to do I hard it down! I came out of the exam grabbed my paper and I got 627 FAIL… I couldn’t believe my eyes… how in the world could I have failed and gotten that close to passing… I am beside myself and so frustrated and angry… I have learning disabilitys and test anxiety that I have battled my whole life but more so threw this last year and 1/2 going threw massage school and taking this exam… I changed my whole life around this past month getting ready for this exam and look back and don’t know how I could have done any better… I felt so confident and prepared and still didn’t make it… I don’t want to give up… but I feel so defeated at this point all my hard work and time…
Hi Molly.
As you can see from the comments, you are certainly not alone. This post is how many people find the study program I have put together. I talked to someone the other day that got a 629. Only one point away from passing. And I know many others with various LDs and anxiety that have struggled with this exam. You were very close. Look around the site and some of the suggestions. Is there certain areas that you are still struggling with or a subject that you score low in on each attempt?
I want to know how many points for each questions on the EMBLEX test ? because my score was 603 please let me know by my email thank you
From what I understand, each question is not worth the same amount. The MBLEx is a CAT exam and adapts to how you are testing during the exam. I assume the more difficult a question is, the more it is “worth”.
I`ve take the mblex twice, first i missed for 2 point and second for 1 point, now feel so frustrating to take it again, I need help….
Hi, ive failed the mblex twice now my score went up by 11 points . I got a 602 second time . I used two study tools granted by my school. This third time I order two books online . FSMTB has already acknowledged that the practice test on there website is no good. I need something close to the exam and not outdated. Can you think of anything ?? I really dont want to give up.
I hope you will take some time to look around this site and all of the material in the program. I have seen many people have success with the MBLEx after using it. This includes those that have failed the MBLEx multiple times. I make it a point to keep the material current and not overwhelming.
I’ve taken the mblex 5+ times so far. Since, I have failed the test so many times, I’m a bit scared to take the test again, well, I don’t know if scared is the correct word. Now, it seems like I have forgotten a lot of the information I need to know. Even-though I refuse to give up and will keep on fighting, I’m starting to question myself. Also, as I’m trying to study, I have family constantly interrupting, even when they see I’m studying and they’ll act as if they didn’t know. Even tried moving to a secluded room, seems like they don’t know they’re boundries or care. Is there anything I could do to help me re-learn my material etc… also, what I doing wrong that I need to do different? I also have this feeling that I’m actually failing the test on purpose, possibly out of fear weather I realize it or not? How can I get through this?
It sounds like your exam process is quite complicated and you need to establish some boundaries in your life and really get to the bottom on this struggle you are having with the exam. I wish I knew exactly what that was, but only you can really discern those struggles.
Look at everything and make the changes that are necessary if this is truly what you want to do. I know others that have failed 5x and gone on to pass, but typically big changes in their study habits and life were necessary. Do you have a school in your area with a mentor you can personally meet with? That may be a good start.
go to a library…get the mblex apps…you should know all that is on this test by now..how they word things..etc….but seriously…go to a library..I live alone..and have no interruptions…bit still went to the library..calm setting
I took my exam about a month ago and failed by about 30 points or so. I was very disappointed! I unfortunately have gotten caught up in other obligations and have not been studying as much as I should for my 2nd attempt.. so I’m sort of concerned I may do more poorly. My main problem was the client assessment and there were some tax questions… which was peculiar because that wasn’t on anything I have studied. The concept of anatomical planes baffles me, too.
Just out of curiosity, can’t you obtain your license through the NCBTMB? I’ve heard that it’s easier, but I haven’t looked into it much. (I thought I should add most jobs in the area ask for MBlex, so I was wondering if you think that would be a problem?)
Hi Emily,
I know it can be disappointing seeing those results. However, 30 points is not that big of a gap to passing. With some changes to your study habits, you should see an improvement in your score. Make those changes 😉
I have seen many people try to study during times of turmoil and additional stress. It rarely works out well for them. Studying for a licensing exam is very difficult when other things are happening in your life. Try to minimize those distractions.
The NCETMB is no longer given. They BCETMB is, but it is a board certification exam and not a licensing exam. Very few states accept it for licensing.
I have taken the mblex 3 times now. The first two within 10 pts of a passing score. The third was 600. Also do you know if the test gets harder each time you take it or if it’s completely “random”
I just signed up again for the 3rd time, first time was complete failure, second time was better but still failed second time I got a 606 how do they score the exam, want to know how many questions im away from passing. like others say I study and they have completely different questions then what I studied. and yes I don’t like the computer testing ,hate that you cant go back and change your answers. I would do better on the paper exam.
Hi Diana,
The way they score the exam is a little confusing. The MBLEx is a computer adaptive test and adapts to you as you move along in the exam (and this is why you can no longer flag questions and go back to them). From what I understand as you answer questions, if you get one correct, your next question will be a little harder. This keeps going until you miss one and then it will go back down in difficulty until it finds the level you are at. This continues through the exam. So I would assume the questions have different points awarded to each question. You need to get a 630 to pass. Thanks for sharing your story.
Does your simulation also use this computer adaptive approach? As I’m studying I want to know if the simulation is doing the same thing as the real test will.
Thank you!
Hi Kati,
Our system does not use CAT at this time. I am not aware of any exam preps that currently use CAT (in the massage field, or otherwise).
I am taking it for the 4th time friday. I did fantastic in school but test taking has never been my strong part!! BUT i keep getting a higher school each time. How did you do?
I finished school last July, and I took my exam in December. I failed. I was miserable. I have yet to attempt it again because I am so busy working over 40 hours a week, raising my 4 year old, and I can’t really afford to pay $200 to take it again at this moment.
I want to retake it badly…my problem with the MBLEX is that they do not allow you to go back and re-answer questions. It seems like a big money racket to me. It isn’t fair to those of us who do not, in fact, test well (especially on computers) that we cannot go back and change an answer. I’ve always hated testing on computers. They should allow us to take a hard copy test, with a pencil and a scan tron or bubble sheet. I just test better that way. And you should ALWAYS be allowed to go back and change an answer. It’s a complete scam to get more money out of you, in my opinion.
They need to change it to allow you to change your answers.
You are so right. Especially, I came to the Philippines and English is my second language & still having a hard time to understand. I failed 2x and I don’t know if I can afford this if I keep failing. I felt so freaking dumb.
You are not dumb! You are taking a PROFESSIONAL exam in your SECOND language!! That is tough. This exam is tough for native speakers.
People taking any exam in their second language almost always need additional time to study. Do you have a free tutoring center in your area for ESL speakers?
I graduated from school in 2014 Ive failed Mblex test twice. Im taking it again on 29th. Reason took me too long is because of cost. Im trying to study hard. Im not a test person, i hate test, i get so anxiety. Sometime i feel like loser cause its my third time taking test. Yoy make me realize keep doing it never give up!!
There is another post on here about anxiety. Make sure you check that out.
How are you changing your study habits for this attempt? Or what do you think you need to change compared to how you prepared last time?
I took the test twice, first time i was very scare about taking it in english cause i felt like in spanish my chances were higher. HUGE mistake, since i took all my clases in english it was a nightmare. Names were so different, but even with such a problem about recognizing names of diseases and trying to find out the name in english i was pretty close to pass. I was pissed off cause i knew i should had heard to one of my friend who told me to take it in english.
Second time i took it in english but it was so hard! it wasn’t even close to the first time, a lot of tricky questions and confusing. i took a deep breath and this time a read every single question and options at least twice. I ate some chocolate so sugar would keep my brain working and i even took a little break to drink some water and get more chocolate. I got my result and I found out I passed. I even had more points than needed. I felt so released it was so stressful situation.
My suggestions are to take it easy and manage your time, you have enough time cause “easy questions” gives you close to two extra minutes each. so you can read several times and remove wrong options in hard questions. Don’t just click by “the first option you think is mostly right”. And yes, you will never ever get the same questions of study guides or websites. Cause this test is made to analyze and find out the right question. I recommend a lot to be ready the first time i believe the more you take it the harder it gets.
I studied from one guide, and all my college guides, i even got an app from App Store so I tried to be all the time practicing. Just one more thing don’t responde questions just guessing so you end up memorizing them. Try to analyze and wonder why? who? when? good luck to everybody! don’t give up!
Congrats, Daniel!
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Spanish/English MBLEx. I know there are many others in your situation that will benefit from your experience. You bring up a very good point that your native language may not be best if it is not the language your massage program was taught in.
Best wishes on your career!
I have taken my MBLEx test 5-6 times & no matter how much I study or what I study it’s never on the test. I recently started studying with a classmate that has passed her exam but I am so frustrated because I aced all of my finals & passed all required courses in massage school but because of this test, I can’t do what I love doing. I recently got my yoga instructor certification by taking an online course & I will be using that along with my massage. I have ordered books off of Amazon & the FSMTB website & like I said, nothing I ever study is on the test! How do I approach this? I am also worn on paying the to take the MBLEx exam & not passing. I usually score between 570-600 area but I don’t know how to approach this anymore. Any advice you could give? Thank you!
Hi Yogi Dude,
When someone struggles with the MBLEx once, it is more than likely according to the percentages that they will fail again. Many times these are people, like yourself, that had no troubles in massage school.
One trigger in your sentence for me is this – “nothing I ever study is on the test”. This can mean that you are memorizing questions or you are unable to breakdown questions on the MBLEx. I have a free email lesson available on the homepage of this site that helps people learn to work through questions and provides a sample exam. Check it out and see if that helps.
Well .. I don’t really “memorize” the questions, I study a variety different books & that involve a huge variety of different subjects & I literally study them so much that I recognize the question & answer. I don’t really specifically study just to “memorize” questions. I know that want get me anywhere. I have like i said, ordered a handful of different books & done the same. I think this time I will study questions, but rely more on refreshing & studying my weak spots. Thus far studying 100’s & 100’s of a variety of questions hasn’t gotten me anywhere but frustration because so far it hasn’t helped any. So maybe I can try just refreshing & studying material rather than relying on questions ..
But I appreciate your help & advice. I may check that out. Thank you!
I took my test tonight and was sure I would pass, I studied so much and only got a 569. I was devastated. All of my class mates passed, I feel like such a loser!! Your comments and uplifting quotes helped, but I can’t believe I didn’t pass, I am still in shock about it. I honestly felt ready.
No one wants to be the only person that did not pass in their class. A bunch of people in my massage class car pooled to our boards (which were 2 hours away in another state), one of them did not pass. Today she is a very happy and successful massage therapist. I do not know anyone else in the car that is even practicing massage still. You can do this!
I just took and failed my Mblex today by 3 points… I’m so devastated. I studied with different materials for about a month, and at the end was getting between 80%-90% on my practice tests. The exam was NOTHING like anything I had even looked at, and most of the questions were never even touched on in school. I’m a nervous wreck when it comes to test taking, but I normally pass with a pretty good grade. I’m moving to Utah in 2 weeks from Indiana, can I retake the MBlex there?
Hi Ashley,
I meet a lot of people after they do not pass on their first attempt and your response is normal. Unfortunately too many schools and programs do not prepare their students. I am now offering a free 3 day course on the site to help people with the common areas I see people struggle with while studying, including exam anxiety.
You can take the MBLEx in any state. There are Pearson centers all over the country. You will still need to wait 30 days to retest, but that will give you the time to focus on those areas you struggled with on this attempt.
I feel the exact same way. I took the exam last week and missed it by 20 points. I know exactly how you feel. I was so discouraged and dissapointed in myself. I as well am a horrible test taker. I did what you did. Studied for an entire month and I did well on the practice exams too. I felt so angry and sad after seeing my results. But all we can do from this is take the exam again and pass it! Good luck to you, you were three points away; you can do this!
I am so happy to see such positive attitudes here! It really is not the end of the world, even though it may feel like it. I promise your future clients will not know the difference and this does not mean you will not love your massage career any less.
I know how you feel I failed my exam by 1 point, but I am retaking it today! Wish me luck!
How did it go?
I just failed my Mblex. I wanted to know right away how long I have to reschedule and I pulled up this article. Thank you so much for posting this because I seriously needed this encouragement and friendly reminder. The quotes were perfect and everything you said is on point. Thank you.
Thank you for stopping by. I know the first couple days are the hardest. I can’t say this enough…This is not an indication of your future success. Best wishes!
Hi Ivy,
I graduated in 2009, took the test 3X in Ohio, that when it was the Ohio State Medical Board that gave the test. The rule was then, if you failed 3X, you would have to take additional courses in order to qualify. There was a stipulation that you must pass with a B. I was so discouraged in myself, I couldn’t bare to humiliate myself anymore. So I did not go back. It has been 7yrs, and I wasn’t sure if any additional courses were required for me to be allowed to try again or not. My biggest fear is not believing in myself and listening to my gut. Looking for direction and advice.
Respectively -Amy
Hi Amy,
I know I say this a lot, but this happens more than one would think. Some people, excellent students and potential manual therapists, REALLY struggle with exams. Unfortunately, this is a pretty specific question that I am going to have you ask the Ohio massage board office. Just give them a call, and ask. There is no reason they should not be able to help you and let you know if you can now take the MBLEx since they no longer offer the Ohio board exam.
Hey I graduated in 2007 from a school in Louisiana I tested twice and Failed both obviously but I never went back to retest is it too late for me to go try again?
You can take the exam any time, even years after school. The only thing I tell people that have waited, is to make sure their state has not changed the education hours requirements since they graduated. That is rare, but would be a bigger obstacle than the exam.
I really loved reading this post & all of the encouraging quotes you added. I’m taking the MBLEx today for the first time (and hopefully the last) and my nerves are out of control. I know I’m going into it with the wrong mindset and I think that is what is going to affect me the most….maybe I’ll go for a run before my test. Thank You!
Yes, do something to relax! Please stop back and let me know how it goes. Best wishes!
I have take this twice. I missed the first time by 13 points and 10 the second time. I honestly thought I was prepared and ready the second time I took the exam. Someone even helped me with the cost. I feel I have let many people down. I did well in my classes and made the dean’s list a few semesters. A huge let down when some people think I wasted my money and time. Yes, the amount that it cost is not easy to come up with. I am not sure “IF” this investment will be worth it and still be able to come up with the rest of the money to take for a third time. I really want to work as a Massage Therapist.
Hi Carol,
I do receive comments similar to yours quite often where people have others help them with the cost of the exam and then they feel like they have failed them when they do no pass. I know that has to be a tough feeling and situation. But, you do not need to trip over things that are behind you. If you want to be a massage therapist you have to re-focus on your future and what you are going to do to make that plan happen.
Hi Ivy,
I took the exam 3x and I failed again! So dissappointed! But I will not give up on this. I graduated in Las Vegas and I moved here in Washington state last year. Is that ok if i take another exam in Las Vegas while I’m living here in Washington state?
If you look at the FSMTB annual report, you will see that retake rates are much lower than the first time pass rates. Have you changed the way you study, not just the amount of study time? Just one thing to think about. You can take your exam anywhere there is a Pearson Vue. Just make sure you put the state you want the exam scores sent to when you apply to take it again. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
I took the MBLEX 4 times.. Missing by a few points feeling discouraged …..
Hi Karen,
Thanks for stopping by. I know it is easy to get discouraged after failing the MBLEx, especially multiple times. One thing I see people do that fail more than once, is that try to study the same way they have been and expect different results. The best advice I have is to analyze what your weakest areas are. Study those first one by one until you understand them much, much better. Then move on to the other subjects. Were your score reports consistent, meaning you consistently score poorly or do well in the same areas each time? Let me know if you have any other questions.
Dear Ivy,
I looked through your replies to some people and I hope you would be able to help me with my problem. I have taken the test once before and this is the second time I will take it. I have big test anxiety and have ADD at the same time. As I kind of know how my LD works best for me(working in a group or with other people) I have found through this process that I feel that massage may not be right for me, parts of the therapy I do like, holistic, aromatherapy type things and I was thinking maybe yoga or something else would be better but I don’t know what to say to my friends and family except that I don’t want to be a massage therapist because of the poor education/schooling that I received, and the place where I live have very commercialized massage business and seeing one or two of them and seeing that they only care for the money aspect about the business turns me off completely.
Yet my friends and family want me to keep studying and taking the test until I pass so that “It looks good on a resume” so that I don’t look half finished. What advice could you give as far as taking the test to pass and also what to say to my friends and family that I feel massage is just not me anymore.
Hi Cathy,
The fact that you passed this exam will not do anymore for you than showing that you completed your massage training…in my opinion. If you do not want to be a massage therapist, then do not be one.
However….I regularly have people that complete their training and then years later decide they really do want to be a massage therapist and 1. are afraid the information from school is no longer fresh or 2. (this one is worse) state laws have changed and increased education and they would have to go back to school and take the exam to get a license. If you pass your exam and get license now and keep it valid(indefinitely), you would have it just in case you change your mind down the road. It is up to you, but I just want you to think about the “what ifs” too. People change their minds.
Did I read correctly, can a person only take the exam three times?
I graduated almost 25 years ago and need to take this in order to work in NH.
That was the old NCETMB. There was a rule that if you failed 3x you had to go back and complete 100 more hours of training.
So in Florida, if you fail the mblex 3 times, you don’t have to go back to school?
I have not seen this in the FL rules and statutes ever. The NCETMB used to have a 3x fail rule, but the MBLEx does not, just a 30 wait in between attempts.
I do not know of any place in the FL law and statutes that says this. The NCETMB used to have a 3x and 5x rule, but the MBLEx does not. The MBLEx does require 30 days in between attempts.
Hello Ivy,
I am so devastated I failed the MBLEX exam twice this summer! My first score was about 550 and my last was almost 600. I’ve bought 2 online courses, one that was material focused and the other was geared to test-stimulation.
I am doing a massage apprenticeship in Utah and they (like many states) changed from state to the national license exam (MBLEX) back in November.
I do have ADD, and struggle with test anxiety. I found I was more comfortable and took more time the second time around. But the way the questions were posed were different every time and seems setup to make people fail.
I have seen thousands of clients over the last two years and I am very competent in my sessions. My instructor says if I don’t pass this time, he’ll have to drop me. I need this job as its my main source of income and I can’t fail this test again. I’m already behind financially having to repay for the test, the state and my instructor.
Any advise?? I’m passing 70%-85% on all my online tests overall and in most sections 90% for the recent scores.
I could buy all the books in the bibliography (costing almost $600), but it would take me another 6 months to read and retain all that information and I don’t have that much time. I’m very desperate to pass this time. Any help is appreciated!
Hi Jacky,
Like I said, it is very common to be devastated after this result. But, you have to move forward. You improved your score by 50 points! I have talked to many others that have actually scored lower the second time. I am sorry to hear that your instructor will drop you if you do not pass. What is the reasoning for this if they feel you have good client interaction and hands on skills?
I know that ADD and test anxiety can make taking the MBLEx very difficult, however I know many others that struggle with these and other LD’s that have went on to pass the MBLEx. If massage is something you want to do, then you can do this.
If your exam preps are not helping, I would suggest Sandy Fritz’s massage book or her exam guide. They are very complete in my opinion. I have a guide included on this site with the exam prep material, but it sounds like your education via apprenticeship may not be complete and lacking some support. These are good additional resources I recommend to people that had poor educational experiences or struggle with certain areas.
I faild MBLX.I need you help!!!
I am in a nervous wreck right now, my mind is all over the place trying to figure out what can help me pass the test, I’ve studied a little everyday for each time that I have taking the emblex, I have took it twice my score is a good bit away from passing, but I scored better the second time, now I’m preparing for the third try, which is the last chance, that’s what scares me the most, if I fail this time I don’t know what I’m going to do, please help! ????
It very common to be nervous on subsequent attempts. Use your reports from past attempts to help you for your next attempt. I always recommend start studying with the areas you struggle with until you understand them and then move on to the next weakest area until you reach the subjects you understand the best. Make a plan and stick to it. If you do not pass, just remember some people struggle with exams and need to take them more than others. It does not mean you will never become a massage therapist.
Just took my exam today, as you can imagine I am devastated. I have so much to study on 🙁 reading what others have said encourage me to try again and this time pass!
Hi Lisa,
I hope you see that you are not alone! Thousands of people have failed the MBLEx and went on to be happy massage therapists. It just takes some people a little longer. Let me know if you have any specific questions about preparing for your next attempt.
I failed the test by one point so you can imagine how disappointed I am. I moved from San Francisco to Austin at the end of May after starting my licensing process in February. I was told to get my national certification score report sent which took every ounce of 6 weeks. Of course I’m not working this whole time. Then when they finally receive that, I am informed they aren’t accepting the national certification anymore and only the MBLEX. Meanwhile I swear I have spoken to someone on the phone almost every week and no one ever told me they wouldn’t take this. The licensing process is ridiculous and there is conflicting information online. I am a massage therapist of almost 17 years.
If anyone has any suggestions on what to study I would be so grateful or if anyone is in San Francisco and wants to study together, let me know. I came back here so i could work. I studied for 8-10 hours a day for awhile and was surprised to find nothing I studied on the test from one of these study guides that guarantee you pass.
Hi Coraly, I would contact Texas again. I have not heard anything about them being MBLEx only. There is no longer a NCETMB available to take, but they still accept this exam if it is taken previously. I think you may have got a hold of someone with bad information.
This is from their website:
Do I have to take the Texas state exam to get a license?
No. Texas accepts national examinations now. All applicants who have satisfactorily completed massage therapy studies in an accepted course of instruction must pass an examination administered by either:
The Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards at: http://www.fsmtb.org/
The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork at: http://www.ncbtmb.com/
Ive struggling this too , and i keep trying, my english not good,but i will keep looking foward to make this happen! dont give up ! your comments helps a lot!
I have failed the MBLEX and I’ll keep trying. Thanks for your support of people who have failed!
Thanks for the read! I recently failed the Mblex and I was devastated. I was really confident and thought I would pass. A lot of the questions I don’t remember going over in school. A lot were about different diseases and what massage teqniqe would be best for each disease. Diseases I have never even heard of!
Hi Ivy. Just came across this website, Here is my problem. I graduated from Massage school 20 yrs ago. I lived in NJ and it was not necessary to take a national exam as NJ had no licensing requirement. When NJ became licensed 2 plus years ago I was grandfathered in. I have since moved to Ga and to my horror, found out to obtain a massage license in Ga, you have to have taken and passed the MBLEX. 20 years is a long time and while you can tell me what is going on with your body, and I will know exactly where to work, I cannot remember all the insertions, origins, movements, etc. Not enough to pass a test. I have been studying with every available study guide I can buy but still feel like I don’t know enough. I am scheduled to take MBLE july 8th. I am a terrible test taker and am having serious anxiety issues. I must pass this test in order to return to love of massage and make a living. Any magical answers??????
Your question and concern is something I hear all the time. It is ALWAYS the fear of remembering origin and insertions that causes those that have been out of school 10+ years to question their ability to pass the MBLEx. The good news is that origin and insertions of muscles have not changed in 20 years. They are still the same. You have been a massage therapist 20 years and as soon as you start to study the information is going to come back to you, I promise. It will be easier than learning them the first time. My site has 200+ O and I flashcards, and I do have a post on kinesiology and the MBLEx. You can read it here. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Hi Sheri,
Did you pass the mblex? I too am in the same situation. I moved from CA to WA and now need to take the mblex. Any suggestions?
Hi I have taken the test twice now and failed I even ask for someone to read the test to me because of a learning disabilities I have not being able to sound out word and reading stuff wrong. I was denied for someone to read it to me so I try ed to read and take it myself but still not able to pass it. Every thing I have study is not even on the test can’t find anything that will help me pass as I have put lots of money and time into studying and trying to pass please help.
It was great being able to talk to you today, Dawn! Knowing your learning disability and how to best work with it in an exam simulation is extremely important. Like I mentioned, the most valuable advice I have for people that have failed and used other exam preps in the past is that you need to learn WHY the answer is correct. I often hear “none of the questions from my study guide or prep were on the exam”. You cannot memorize questions and answers and pass the MBLEx. Learn the WHY and you will be able to work through any question. Let me know if you have any more questions as your prepare.
Hello…I came across this page and I must say everything you said I am def feeling. I took the MBLEX this past Saturday and I missed it by 10!! A lot of questions on the test I didn’t recognize… I studied what I thought was enough and what I thought was the correct material… I’m so disappointed and aggravated….. I do want to pass this test I want to move forward…..
Hi Quannie,
I know that not passing the MBLEx can be disappointing, but you need to refocus an move forward. Analyze what did not work for you on your last attempt and think of what you need to do to change that. Assess what you weak areas were by looking at your print out and make a study schedule for your next attempt with focus on the weaker areas. You were obviously very close to passing. Do not let this last result keep you from doing what you want to do.
I just took the MBLEX this past Saturday. I was told and sent an email by Pearson vue that the passing score is 600. I took the exam…. First off…. I studied my butt off for over a month, then I took the exam and nothing that I studied was even on the exam! I got a 600 thinking I passed then I looked at the comment where it stated that I had failed! The passing grade is 630! I couldn’t believe it I had a punch to the stomach. Not only seeing that I failed, but having to tell my family and my biggest supporter… My fiancé. He said that it was okay and that I will pass the next time. I took a day to grieve about it, now I just do not know what to study b/c there are thousands of exam questions that are placed in random exams…. So I do not know what I should focus on and what not to.
I know this is hard. There is no way around that. But, this is not the end of the world and you have such a better idea of what to expect on your next attempt. A positive attitude is a great place to start.
After that, think about things that you need to work on next. Were you memorizing question in your book instead of learning the concepts and how to apply them to any question and situation? That is what I often see when people say they did not recognize anything on the exam. The MBLEx is going to test you on your clinical knowledge and how to apply it to situations your will face in your office. There is a post on here for preparing for multiple choice questions and lots of other tips. Use your exam score sheet to figure out what your weak ares were and figure out what you can do to raise the scores in those areas. Look around and take some time to make a study plan and then set your next date. 600 is very close to passing. You can do this!
“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried”
I have done the test 3 times now. I have missed passing it by 3 to 4 ?s each time. I also score well is different areas. So at this time I am at a lose I will not quite but just answering ?s is not working for me I need help. I would like to try this but i have got other online ones and they did not help i see you over a little more to your but ya like i said lost. ps sorry for spelling iI have a disability and i fight with it ever day
Hi Rosel,
I know it is frustrating to be so close to passing. What do you think is the biggest issue keeping you from passing the exam? You can message me privately by email (ivy@massageexamacademy.com). I may have some suggestions to help you with your weakest areas or road blocks.
This sounds good. I’ve taken the exam twice now. The first time I missed it by 10 questions. The second time it was 15. I haven t whole heartedly been studing. I did graduate. Steiner Massage School. I really enjoyed learning but its like I can’t remember anything or retain it. I would like to pass the Mblex. I’m willing to try your plan. I just have to devote more time to studing.
Good luck!
That’s exactly the same case with me! I’ve taken it twice the second time going through a really bad break up , since then it’s hard to find the motivation as this break up has left me shattered. I’ll save you all the gory details but what did you do to force your self to study better?